Sunday, October 31, 2010


mood : happy skit2 sebab baru pas abis 2 paper.. lega yang amat!!!

baru perasan telah di TAG oleh si bulan...
alamak ni parah ni..

Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note
with 25 random things, fact, habits, or goal about you.
At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
You have to tagged the person who tagged you
If I tag you, its because i want to know more about you...

waaa.. sangat parah.. mane tak nye.. followers pon tak cukop 25 orang.. alamak..
nak gelak guling-guling jap.. hahaha..
ok.. i will keep my my promise wat mende ni tapi tak tau la ye si bulan ae..
nak selidik tentang aku ni begitu susah.. tak ramai yang tahu..
abis bocor rahsia!!! jatuh saham deng!!

1 comment:

  1. haha...aku pun kena tag ngan Bulan. kalau rajin jom baca>> WaKenaTag
